In almost 5 years since opening, Luk Lak has chosen a sustainable way to both improve the food quality and keep the close relationship between the chef and the farmers. We always start our journeys from where the food begins.
This May, Luk Lak and Madame Bình came to Mộc Châu to bring Hanoi a fresh summer dish: Plum wood smoked pork belly.

Plum wood provides a mild and sweet scent, with a hint of fruits and soil when burning. Its smoke goes great with pork fat and “soften” both the aroma and taste of spices. “Mắc khén”, which is known as wild peppercorn, takes the stage in this dish thank to plum wood smoke.
A bite full of mountain scents, a sip of cold beer in Hanoi summer, what can we ask for more?