What to talk when we talk about taste? Acid – the secret that jazzes up any dish, is ingeniously seasoned by using different sour fruits.

At Luk Lak, Madame Bình uses seasonal indigenous fruits that brings different forms of sourness to the dishes. The soften sweet and sour of mulberry, the tangy “blushing” apricot, and the mango-like flavor of marian plum flesh create a balanced yet intriguing taste for fatty grills.
Come enjoy your vivid summertime at Luk Lak!
º Chargrilled boneless duck in mulberry leaves with mulberry sauce
º Grilled Beluga sturgeon platter with marian plum sauce
º Grilled pork cheek with apricot sauce

#LukLak #LukLakDaNang #VietnameseCuisine #TheTasteofJourneys #MadameBinh #LukLakSummer2024